Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Themse Based Lesson

Michelle and I presented our theme based lesson to the class this week. The lesson was called "Responding to the News." Here is the lesson overview: "This lesson asks students to respond to a news publication while using the influences of Faith Ringgold and Robert Rauschenberg to create a hybridized artwork on newspaper."

Overall I am very satisfied with the way our lesson went. The class seemed to enjoy our activity and classroom leadership qualities. We began with going over hybridization revisiting the artists Faith Ringgold and Robert Rauschenberg. Students established Ringgold's themes as personal, community, and cultural connections and Rauschenberg's as current events and political. Choosing one of the artists to work with students were instructed to pick a newspaper article. They were to incorporate text from the article and make an illustration using charcoal and/or chalk pastels. Below is the bulletin board Michelle and I made prior to giving our lesson.

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