Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Field Work

This semester I am completing my final fieldwork placement at Beacon High School in Mrs. Duke's classroom. After this semester I have a year to finish my BFA then time for student teaching! It seems to far away but I know time will fly. Anyway I am partnering with Michelle at Beacon High School. Here is the schedule of our day.

Period 1- Advanced Ceramics
Period 2- Prep
Period 3- Studio Art
Period 4- Study Hall
Period 5- Digital Art I
Period 6- Studio Art
Period 7- Lunch
Period 8- Digital Art II

Michelle and I have chosen to work with the advanced Ceramics class for our lesson plan. Our lesson plan involves sculpting objects from nature then building an environment in which the object will be placed in. We were getting our artist influences from Andy Goldsworthy and Louise Bourgeois. Here are some examples of there work.

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