Friday, December 16, 2011


I can't believe this is finally my last blog post. This semester has flown by! I have definitely gained a lot of valuable experience from this class. In my opinion the most influential part of the semester was teaching a lesson to the class and hearing everyone's feedback. I think this should be done more often in classroom's before student's get sent out for student teaching. Thanks for a great semester!

One last thing! Lesson's one, two, and three are completed from the unit. I still have to write the forth one. I'm think of making a sculpture out of recycled objects and turning it into a self-portrait? Here are some images I found by artist's I'm checking out.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lesson 3 artist

I'm excited because I found an artist who paints on shoes.  Lane is an artist who paints hand custom shoes. Here are some of his shoes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Unit lesson 3

For the third lesson of my unit plan I think I want to work with shoes as a basis of narration. This would go along with the theme of hybridizing art onto unusual surfaces. Students could paint a memory onto the shoes or possible paint a self-portrait? Either way I like the idea of using shoes because they are something from your past that use to travel almost everywhere with you.

If I do use this idea in my unit plan I think I will combine a reflective writing assignment or possibly an artist statement.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unit Lesson 2

So I've decided what I what to do for the next lesson in my unit plan. I want to incorporate normal household items into a lesson. I think I might do a mixed media project where students bring in an item from home and incorporate it into a piece of work. This lesson will show students that things can always have multiple functions and art can be made out of anything. This plays along with the idea of "the world is your canvas." I think the two artist I want to use are Robert Rauschenberg and Terry Border. Here is some of the work!